The name for our school, College Susan Schuenke, came from one of our faithful supporters: Susan Schuenke. Sue taught in public and Christian schools for 11 years. She taught both elementary and special education which was Sue’s focus in her later teaching career. She saw value in both the secular and Christian school. Her heart was for the most needy children. Sue was committed to them, individually and collectively. Sue provided each with a safe, caring and respectful learning environment
Sue writes: “ Just as I believe that without Christ there cannot be true learning. . . without Christ there cannot be true teaching. My classroom in public and Christian school has always been my mission field where I have been blessed to use the gifts of teaching, serving, and compassion. I yearn to serve Him in an environment where truth is openly taught so that I might experience the joy of teaching and learning.“ She goes on to say: “Teaching is both an art and a science, and no matter how much skill I might possess, I also pray that I might model the excellence of love. A vital part of the curriculum is based on the values we share as Christians and the character developed by the application of these values. It is my responsibility to provide an environment in which each child is able to feel unconditionally loved. Our God is a God of order. His children are most comfortable when clear boundaries are provided with clear expectations and consistent, predictable consequences. It is in this environment that children can enter into a daily relationship with Christ where He is able to affirm each child. It is my role to be a vehicle directed by the Holy Spirit to help each student to find emotional wholeness in Christ.” Sue went to be with the Lord in June 2000, but we wanted her name to remain alive in the hearts of Haitians for generations to come.